Month: November 2023

hour of code.

Hello everyone.

this is a blog post i was trying do a while ago it was on week 3 and i steal haven’t done it but this is me trying to finish my work and i am starting with this just so i feel good of myself.So on week 3 my class room 9 fond a game just to save the Oceans. i fond this app really help for you would have to sort out the color of the fish and it was really satisfying to  as the robot was talking in bubbles as you finish you will get an award like  my class.  i am so sorry i didn’t find to award


swimming recount

KIA Ora Bloggers

On October  Tuesday the 17th  my school hay park stared swimming on the  first day we stared we got to meet our swimming teacher mine was Sam she was short and had amber eyes light brown hair.
the first thing for  swimming was swimming half way across the pool as everyone’s name got could I was was lucky last but still made it 3 this girl loiloi go and check out her blog post she post amazing thing and good content and she post a lot wonder how i swim next to her as she went 4 to swim. as the week keep going people stared to realize that i was a good swimmer.

on week 2 we learnt  how to survive a big wave so just to do that we got in to the kids pools. we pushed our swimming border and it made big splashes every whereas we got in a line and by one we swim towards the waves there were lots of wafer going to my nose.

but thinks that was so fun was betting everyone hehe

but the most diffidence think was foreseeing on my breathing.

did your school go to swimming .

thank you for taking your time and reading my blog post sadly i don’t have some photos sorry

Smart Searching

Hi everyone,

Today for cyber smart we did smart searching.

Smart searching is shorting a search.

Basically meaning finding the key words from an original search and using the words to find you answer.

I enjoyed the screanshotting part the most because it was the easist.

I found highlighting the words the hardest because most of what I highlighted did not make sense.

Here are my slides


Would you do smart searching?

Duffy assembly message

In week 3 their was a lady that came to my school/Hay Park and her name was sulu. She was captain of a netball I believe her team was sliverfrends she was super tall I think was 8 feet tall she went through every class as everyone but now she is a Duffy. And  she took lost of photo with each class then she did a speech the speech was  just what I told you and every time she had the bright smile.

Everyone was so happy and they were so nosy like my class.

But that day i wasn’t happy so didn’t wanna be in the photo.

I have some photo.


Had anyone came to your school.

How to Create Pixel

Hello bloggers.

For today’s Cyber-smart we watched a tutorial on how to make art out of pixel we did any type for chose. It takes me so long just to  get what I wanted to draw and so I first drew a smiley face and a little tree but it was to boxy. So I changed it to a mountain and beach and I tried to make a cloud at the end but it came out so wonky but it ended up like a flower but I left it. something that  was helpful was learning how to expanding  your art. but their was just this one thing that i did not need it was the right

click part because i think everyone knew it. here s how it ended up to this is my screen shot.

Would you what to try it out it is really fun?

look down below here is video


Tabloid Day

hi guys and hello
In week 3 there were people in room 8 and 9 that came to tabloid day. At 8:30 people had to be at school at that exact time if not they had to stay an sadly people.

my high light was the race then get my golden meddle and when i went home i my mum loved it.

the thing i hated was the race it was so tearing i only did 5 laps.

here some photo